Monday, May 30, 2011

Neglected Blog

So I feel bad for neglecting this blog. I haven't forgotten about it. It's still on my high priority to-do list, but with my new role at Disney, I have new sacrifices. That means I wake up around 4:00 a.m. every day and work until 1:30 p.m., and head home exhausted. I am not giving up running. I know I'll have more time when I finally get adjusted to this. Plus, we were forced to get new slip-resistant shoes for the kitchen, so breaking in shoes hurts my legs. My old shoes were finally broken in, and I had to trade them in for these uncomfortable ones.

I wanted to share a few new iPhone and Android apps for those who are getting into 'life changes' (formerly known as diets) and working out.
  1. Fooducate: Scan your food at the grocery store. The application will 'rate' the food from A - F based on its nutritional content. I went through everything & scanned things that I thought were pretty healthy for you. Come to find out - it's not so healthy for me. Not that I'll throw away food, but I'll think twice when I buy it from the grocery store next time. It's free from the App Store, so get yours now.
  2. Runkeeper: Haven't gotten a chance to use it since I just downloaded it for free from the App Store. It keeps track of your runs with your iPhone using the GPS. I'm excited to try it out.
As soon as pay day comes around this Thursday, I'm going to be buying those Vibram Five Fingers.

1 comment:

  1. dude get some orthodics for your non-slip shoes! i got some for mine when i worked at Qdoba and it helped a lot!
